/ Sanity Blog / Gentle Rain's Masking Madness

Another Wave of Gaslighting

Julie Fleischauer | Stratford Resident | Feb 28, 2022

Hello, my name is Julie Fleischauer, I’m nobody really special, just a farmer who has lots to say. I spoke at the Stratford Perth Public Sanity Rally, at City Hall on Feb 26, 2022.

In the interests of not gaslighting my audience and making them question their memory, I want to explain that this rendition of my speech is a little different. Not only do I have a strong tendency to extemporize when I’m live, “on stage,” but I also cant help refining my words every time I revisit them, to add things, clarify, and hopefully deepen the insight. Here is my speech from Feb 26:

I don’t expect that many of you watch the mainstream media. I watched a tiny bit of it, when the truckers were in Ottawa, just to see what they were saying, and I noticed that the journalists referred to the weekend surge of protesters as “another wave.”

Guess they repeated the narrative so often, they just got so used to saying it!

They basically called us another wave of disease. Another wave of Covid 19…

But we didn’t see one, did we? All that hugging and barefaced singing, and no new wave of omicron, or epsilon or omega, or whatever they want to call it next from the Greek alphabet.

Now, the use of the term “wave” did get me thinking. Did you know that in nature there are two types of waves?

Ocean waves are the dramatic ones – but they are surface waves – the water underneath those big waves is not actually moving in the same direction. Ocean water moves to its own deep currents.

The ripples on a stream are different. The little wave itself, stays in one place. It is not dramatic, but it is created by the water that moves beneath it.

With every movement, and action that we take, let’s ask ourselves what kind of wave we are creating. It is the water that we are moving, or it is just the wind?

With this plandemic, we are re-learning that the letter of the law means nothing if there is not a will to support it. We need an undercurrent of care and integrity in our law enforcement and our superintendents, and business owners.

The anarchy of tyrannical rule occurs at times when our prime minister says openly that he knows it is against the law, what he doing, but he will do it anyway. A lot of our shop keepers, a lot of our people in the schools, and anyone who enforces the covid rules, don’t know that they are breaking the law. But our prime minister does.

He said that we were “occupying” Ottawa! Well, we need to occupy the law!

The spirit of the law will be revived. It is in our hearts and it is in the constitution! The spirit of the law is in what we the people find acceptable as a code to live by. When slavery was legal in the United States, it took brave law breakers to abolish it. Because they saw a better future.

Today, in Canada, we do not have to break the law. Our constitution reigns supreme over all the legislature in Canada. Even laws that our government have set in place, support what we are doing. What we need is for people to recognize it! And we will have to fight for that recognition! It will not be given to us.

Now, I want to tell you about gaslighting. You may have heard the psychological term before.

Gaslighting is the psychological abduction of someone’s reality.

To give you some context, the term came from a 1940’s film, starring Ingrid Bergman, called Gaslight which portrayed the story of a very selfish man, who murdered his elderly Aunt, for her family jewels. She outwitted him in her death, because the jewels were too well hidden for him to find. He thought he knew where they were!

Ten years later, when the case was cold, the man returns to the house, with a new name, and with a pretty young wife. It was her family money that paid for the house they moved into.

“Paul”, as he called himself, resumes his search for his aunt’s jewels, but, his wife is a little too smart, she catches on that something isn’t adding up with his behavior. So her husband begins to attack her certainty in every way. He starts by moving her personal items, and then swearing up and down that he never touched them, so that she starts to feel that she is losing her mind. He’s kind and then he’s harsh, and he behaves hurt when she rightly gets angry with him... doesn’t she trust him? It’s a constant barrage of “I didn’t say that,” “What are you talking about?”, “I didn’t do that.” He even influences the household staff, whom she is paying for, to treat her as an invalid.

Over time, with a consistent level of pressure, and conditioning, the woman’s confidence in her own mind breaks down completely.

Paul even goes so far as to turn the gas lighting in their 1940’s home, dimmer and brighter, so that she believes she is seeing things.

It takes one sharp detective in local law enforcement to unravel the mystery, and by the time he approaches the murderer's wife, she is so mentally fragile, she does not trust herself at all. Thankfully she is still able to give the detective the evidence he needs to put “Paul” behind bars.

I think you’ll see some parallels to the story, in what has been happening here, in the last two years.

People identify with the reality around them. We build a part of our identity from the experiences we live through. Gaslighting is therefore a way in which you can literally rip a person’s identity away and leave them in such a state of confusion that they will give up their self respect, and follow their abuser into a manufactured reality, in order to make sense of their world.

I call it identity, because life happens in our minds. And there is a lot that happens in our minds that we do not understand. I think the pandemic has really shown that.

Confusion kills our certainty. And mystification murders the souls passion for understanding.

In the 1920’s that mystification was a simple attack on reason. Today’s technocracy bears many of the same hallmarks: We have the conditioning that it is a sinful flaw to not understand the new technology, and that it is uncivilized and backward to not accept what we do not understand.

That makes it easy to control and manipulate people. And I don’t think that is any mistake.

It is the Emperor’s New Clothes all over again!

The child who cried “but he’s naked!” What did he have that the adults did not?

They all saw it. There was nothing wrong with their eyes. Although, if you study magic tricks, there are ways to hide something in plain sight, and also trick the mind into not seeing things that did happen. It’s called change blindness, or manipulating the audience’s attention.

Magician’s do it all the time. Some of that is definitely going on too.

My point however, is that the adults identified with the story they had been told. They accepted judgment upon their intelligence, in their ability to see the Emperor’s cloths, without accepting proof that that judgment was worth anything.

The child was innocent of that. The child identified only with himself.

Trust in your self. Our children are so distracted and conditioned by their own, lack of personal significance that it is now so rare for them to have that anymore. And I mean personal significance, not cultural values or entitled dreams that masquerade for our personality these days.

There is a misconception that people who end up in abusive relationships are weak.

But, it is actually their patience that makes them stay.

It is their tolerance and optimism that keeps them focused on the good that they see in their abuser.

It is the victim’s enormous strength, turned against them, that the abuser uses to exploit and expropriate the relationship.

It has nothing to do with brute emotional strength, and everything to do with how you identify with your life.

I see hope for every one of us! And that hope stems from our independence.

We don’t need the government to tell us what side of the street to walk on, we can check the traffic for ourselves, thank you very much!

We don’t like how the public schools are teaching our kids? – we’ll start our own schools.

We’ve always had this in us, we just didn’t have a reason to show it so clearly, as we do now.

And that is why tyrants always create the force that will take them down.

You don’t see the fire in an unconquered people, until you try to conquer them!

When we can see the whole, big picture, we cannot be distracted.

It is with false certainty, in the fragments of insignificant facts, that the half-blind, will lead the mostly lame, into a crippled future.

So, it is up to us, to ask questions.

The burden of proof is on them. Make them Answer.

We’ve provided enough answers, and we’ve been dismissed, trivialized, and mocked for those answers.

Let's ask questions.

For it is better to have questions that cannot be answered, than to have answers that cannot be questioned.